With a history of lax immigration policies and emphasis on tolerance, has Europe already been lost to radical Islam? Is the United States headed in the same direction?
KJW: Europe is not lost, yet.
The French riots last November, and the controversy and violence related to the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, make clear that the ongoing struggle with radical Islamism is, if anything, more of a problem presently for Europe than it is for America.
The United States only has a Muslim population of less than 1 percent. For Europe, however, it is much different. In the Netherlands, 6 percent to 7 percent of the population, and as much as half the population of large cities like Amsterdam and Rotterdam, are Muslim. In France, the percentage is around 10 percent.
Many of the organizers of recent terrorist incidents—including Mohammed Atta, the Sept. 11 ringleader; the March 7 Madrid bombers; Mohammed Bouyeri, assassin of the Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh; and the July 7 London bombers—were radicalized not in the Middle East, but in Western Europe. Many were second-generation citizens who spoke their adopted country's language fluently.
There is no question that what has come to be called "Eurabia" constitutes a major problem for European democracies. One major factor is that European Muslim communities are mostly located in isolated ghettos, which have become fertile breeding grounds for the growth of a highly intolerant version of Islam. A number of British opinion polls over the past year have found that a substantial minority would like to see Islamic law instituted in heavily-Muslim areas of Britain and that nearly half identified themselves as Muslim first and British second.
European governments have only recently begun to respond to this problem. The Dutch speak of the van Gogh murder in November 2004 as their Sept. 11, and the political transformation since then has been astonishing. The government has cut off virtually all new immigration into the country and given the police Patriot Act-type powers to pursue potential terrorists.
Following the London bombings, the British government has initiated a significant campaign to crackdown on the Islamic extremists.
The question looms - is it too little, too late? Europeans should have started a discussion about how to integrate their Muslim minorities a generation ago, before the winds of radical Islamism had started to blow. The United States needs to pay attention to Europe's situation and not wait until the point of critical mass has been achieved at home. This generation of Americans need to address this situation within our borders so that someday we will not be referred to as "Amerabia".
It appears now that the European governments believe their only solution to this problem is to crackdown on the Islamist extremists. This may indeed be their only short term answer; however, history tells us that when crackdown is the only option, problems aren't solved and usually ends up getting worse. You know, maybe Europe is lost.
Perhaps all is not lost, yet. Europe is on a collision course with Islam, and it is largely due to their own policies and political correctness. Immigration laws and the policy of inclusion above all else has allowed the enemy to crawl in the back door and sit at the dinner table. Now they are pounding on the table and want the same prosperity that Europeans enjoy. This policy of inclusion has been limited though. While European states have policies of acceptance, the people themselves still harbor their own prejudices. This has led to a kind of de facto segregation within Europe, where a ceiling in society does exist for immigrants. This has led to widespread frustration within the immigrant community, particularly among the younger second generation, which were born and raised in Europe. Their feeling of resentment combined with the rise of radical Islam has caused a perfect storm. This has proved to be a fertile ground for Al Qaeda and other radical groups to recruit from, with the internet playing a leading role in recruitment. By just planting the seed of radicalism, an actual Al Qaeda representative isn't required to show up and sign them up.
The Europeans strive to have religious tolerance at all costs as well. Islamists have been allowed to infiltrate the countries, then set up mosques and madrassas which teach a particularly ruthless strain of Islam called Wahhabism. This strain originates in Saudi Arabia, and the House of Saud sinks millions into propagating their beliefs across the world. The Europeans' problem arises because they are so incredibly politically correct, they fail to see when religion crosses the line and becomes a threat to national security and their basic way of life. Britain has finally started to crackdown on radical mosques, and recently a protester from the Mohammed cartoon incident was convicted of inciting violence when he led a protest calling for the beheading of anyone who dare to insult Islam.
France is probably the country most at risk. Approximately 10% of France's population consists of Muslim immigrants. The riots in the Paris suburbs in 2005 first brought the problem to light, and while the large-scale rioting has subsided, a low-grade "intifada" has persisted ever since. Over 2,500 French police have been injured fighting Muslim youths in the streets of Paris this year. Recently, attacks have grown more brazen, with packs of youths donning all black clothing and masks, ambushing police and city buses in coordinated attacks. The problem in France may be too far out of control already.
Here in the United States, we haven't gotten to the point where Europe currently is. Muslims don't have the numbers here yet. Also, government crackdown after 9/11 has not created a good climate for radicalism to thrive in. America's culture is much more focused on assimilation of immigrants, whereas in Europe, immigrants are encouraged to still practice their own cultures and ways of life. It is a MUST for our law enforcement agencies to closely monitor mosques and imams in this country who may be preaching hate and violence. There is a fine line between freedom of speech and endangering others, and we cannot allow that to happen in our backyard.
Actually, the Dutch did have a view on how to integrate the Islamic minorities, though it might not have been the most realistic one. To understand how we thought things would develop a little Dutch history is needed.
The Dutch society used to be vertically segregated along both social-economical and religious lines. The Dutch called this "verzuiling" or pillarisation (for more information see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verzuiling ) Dutch citizens lived inside their respective pillars and the Dutch elite connected these pillars at top level. Since the 1960s the Dutch pillars have crumbled.
As the first groups of migrants appeared, the Dutch assumed that they would integrate through pillarisation. The immigrant groups were stimulated to build their own separate communities. The idea being that the State would interact with these communities' elites.
I am still not sure whether or not this was the right way to go about things. I am even not sure if the situation is as bad a you describe. Yes, Theo van Gogh was murdered by a Islamic extremist, but how much does that tell us about the integration of the rest of the Dutch moslims? I know that this is not of any importance, but my personal experience (living as a native Dutch person in one of the neighbourhoods that you call ghetto's), I can not say I recognize much of your description.
In a nut shell Islam is about world dommination! this is a short and brief view of how the muslims intend to attain their agenda and what is their motivation.The muslims ummah propgates expnasion of islam by all means ,First and fore most by the sword ,it is the duty of all the muslims to kill the non muslims it written. the koran state that there is no other god other than Allah and Mohammed is only true porphet,any one who beg's to differ is a infidel and kafir so should be beheaded at once.It is said not to be friend them (the non muslims)! strike them when you get the chance..Any peace treaty with the muslims is invalid, as the koran say make peace treaty with the infedals, in the dead of the night go out kill them all . Eevery muslim no matter how he or she is educated in western value 's DO NOT FOLLOW MULTICULTURE ethics it is evident in the way they dress, they live.It is a mere obligation that muslims pretend that they follows the law of the land(this is allowed in islam-to be decitfull) when they are minority.If they become tha majority the rules of engagment diffrent,Remember(jessiya the slave tax which give the non beliver to live,persecution are many in islam ) who ever disagrees has to be beheaded.Polygamy is rampant in islam have any one every wondred why?It is because polygamy leads to a lot of children .They breed like rabbits,and without firing a single short one day in the near future (may be in another 50-75 years) the muslims will over run Europe by sheer numbers,this also a method of jihad, Might sound LIke conspiracy theory,?Here comes answer as the muslims immigrant from pakistan,libya,morroco and the north afircan belt,middle east & sub continent come to Europe with their peace full brotherhood they slowly change demograph of europe, as of now.,(More than 53 million Muslims live in Europe -- 14 million of them in the European Union and growing.) in Europe. A Europe which dose not belive in any thing now(GOD, FAMILY VALUES,IDEOLOGY or,IDENTY). ,because of their hypocriscy of being politically correct or because,widely held libral secular views or simply the will to act,The european's way of life will cease to exist as we know it now .This is what happened in Egypt almost 1300 yrs ago the culture which we admire so much,is now confined to the pages of histoy thanks to islam and his prophet.The muslims from the arab heart land populated Egypt the native's of this once ancient land became a minorty in their own land,Persecuted and heavily taxed and they vanished without a trace in less than 100 years .And yes the koran advocates this to be a form of jihad.......................ethnic cleansing i would say!...They claim islam to a religion of peace!.i see europe going the same way ...........not far behinh is America .it not to late................sit up and smell the coffee!.let us still not say that Islam is peacefull...it time the World ( the people, politictions& media) strat acting today tomorrow migth be too late for who ever who is not a muslim
I'd like to share this article with you... Enjoy :-)
My Islam: Freedom and Responsibility
By Ingrid Mattson
April 20, 2007 10:19 AM
Muslims in America today seem to have lost the right to be individuals. We are treated as a collectivity – responsible as a group for any crime committed by another Muslim or done in the name of Islam.
Shortly after 9/11, I wrote an article stating that Muslims have the greatest obligation to reject terrorism and political violence committed in the name of Islam. I still believe this is the case. Islam does not have a centralized authority; there is no universally recognized council of scholars or clerics who speak on behalf of all Muslims.
With freedom from clerical authority, however, comes the responsibility to engage in the debate over the true meaning of Islam. Islamic law states that silence is an indication of consent. If Muslims do not reject the perverted interpretations of the Qur’an proffered by terrorists, they will have shirked their responsibility to define the real meaning of Islam.
At the same time, clarifying our own position does not mean that we have to “speak out” against each and every statement issued by terrorists or every criminal action taken by groups claiming to represent Muslim interests. Once we have defined what we stand for, and what we stand against, then any particular action that violates those guidelines are clearly rejected by us. American Muslim organizations have made extraordinary efforts to publicize their rejection of terrorism and extremism in the name of Islam: we have organized petitions, written fatwas and position papers, distributed brochures, held conferences, organized press briefings, published op-eds, spoken on the radio and television.
Still, we are asked “why have moderate Muslims not spoken out against the extremists?” We have spoken, but we have not been heard – primarily because good news does not get much coverage.
Even worse, we have spoken, but we have not been listened to. There are many people who are ideologically opposed to Islam – to the most benign interpretation of Islam – because of their own extremist religious or political ideologies. No matter what conscientious Muslims do to live as peacefully citizens who contribute to the welfare of society, these groups will attack us and our religion.
Most objectionable is what I call the “non-Muslim Islamic fundamentalist.” What I mean by this is a non-Muslim who applies a literalistic, decontextualized hermeneutic to the Qur’an and Islamic tradition. This is not how I read my scripture (maybe it is how they read theirs), so who are they to tell me that this is what Islam “really” says?
Being judged as a group, rather than as individuals also means that the negative experience of one Muslim is considered to be representative of all Muslims and all of Islam. I do not deny the right of any individual to tell his or her own story. We all have that right, and I must learn from the pain, hurt and anger of women and men who were mistreated in the name of Islam.
But these negative experiences are not shared by all Muslims – indeed, not by most Muslims. This is why such authors have little or no constituencies within the Muslim community – because large numbers of Muslims do not feel they represent their interests or perspectives.
The burden of collective guilt, the oppressive weight of stereotyping, and the violence of hateful anti-Muslim discourse is difficult to bear. It is even more difficult to see how this affects our youth.
But there is hope. Hope lies in the goodness of ordinary Americans who try to overcome their prejudices and reach out to their Muslim neighbors. Hope lies in the solidarity shown by other groups – like Japanese Americans – who have faced similar situations. Hope lies in the extraordinary moral leadership shown by many American religious leaders to guide their congregations to the path of understanding and compassion.
More than anything, I see these challenges as opportunities to examine myself and my community, to see if we are responding with enough courage and moral leadership when we witness discrimination against others. Are we able to avoid burdening other groups with collective guilt? The Qur’anic revelation, “no soul bears the sins of another” is directed first at our community. We are all human, and all of us have to struggle with our own selfishness, prejudice and will to power.
As a Muslim, my struggle for my community’s rights should be only the starting point of a wider struggle – a struggle for the dignity of all people. Being a Muslim in America today means having the opportunity to work towards this goal in solidarity with compassionate individuals of all faiths and good will.
Dr. Ingrid Mattson, a Canadian convert, is an "On Faith" panelist and professor of Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations at Hartford (Conn.) Seminary. She is the first woman to be president of the Islamic Society of North America.
Hello everyone, I'm a Muslim and proud to be one... I'm also proud to be able to participate in this exchange. However let me tell you that it feels very uncomfortable having to sit at the other side of the table defending my beliefs and what I stand for, when all I did was be a Muslim... Why am I being penalized for the misconduct of a few misguided Muslims who are behaving in a way that is totally anti-Islamic i.e. terrorizing and killing civilians and innocent bystanders? Before the horrible 9/11 events Muslims communities in the Western World lived peacefully and were respected because they were hard working and law-abiding citizens, and no one criticized them for retaining their ethnic character just like Orthodox Jews, Sikhs, Buddhists, Hindus, Chinese retained theirs. But all this has changed... We have become THE enemy... We are made to pay for the mistakes of terrorists, although we condemn their abhorrent actions and totally disagree with them... Yet, we are still THE enemy. And I do agree that in the future the West will face problems not because of demography like you all claim, but because of the double standards of the supposedly politically correct governments. Double standards in dealing with the chronic Palestinian problem when a whole nation was removed from their homeland and replaced by a homeless one, as a result of a promise by someone who granted something which wasn't his to give. The double standards in seeing how the Israelis slaughter unarmed men, women and children and level their home to the ground with bulldozers and the West looks the other way, or worse still use its veto. The double standards of aiding and abetting dictators all over the developing countries (Marcos, Bhutto, Musharref, and Saddam during the Iran war come to mind) in total disregard to the will of the people. The double standards of preaching democracy when they know that all their backed rulers rose to power through fraudulent elections and dirty politics... The double standards in dealing with immigrants in a condescending and racist manner in spite of their sweat and blood in toiling your lands and working in your factories at sub-standard wages or no wage at all if you kidnapped them from Africa and made them your slaves, and you sneer at them for wanting the same prosperity that you enjoy (how dare they!!)... Need I say more?
I read what S.G.W. wrote and I commend him on his twisting of the facts and his relentless Muslim bashing. We Muslims don't have an agenda, far from it. But let's set the record straight first... Islam NEVER expanded by the sword. Even when the early Muslims were tortured, mutilated and killed the Prophet Mohamed NEVER used force for 13 whole years and simply turned the left cheek. It was only in retaliation to being attacked did they turn to arms. Actually Islam spread to the whole of Asia through the Muslim traders who through their piousness and correct business dealings were the best ambassadors of Islam. It might interest you to know that non-Arab Muslims are around 80% of Muslims, surprise, surprise Arabs are a minority (20%)!! And no, it is NOT the duty of all Muslims to kill the non Muslims... It doesn't say this ANYWHERE in the Quran. It does say however that Muslims should fight those who fight them and to drive them out of their occupied lands just as they drove them out before... Please don't take the Quranic verse out of context and at least be honest enough to quote it in full. And yes the Quran states that there is no other god other than Allah and Mohammed is ONE of His prophets, and so is Moses, Jesus, Abraham, John, David, Soloman, etc. No Muslim is a true Muslim unless he believes in ALL these prophets. Excuse me where does it say that non-Muslims should be beheaded, are we reading the same Quran or your own version? And why should you judge me just by the way I dress? Would you judge a nun or a buddhist monk differently because of their different costume? We are taught not to look at appearances but to look at the hearts of our fellow human brothers and sisters, irrespective of their faith... It also says in the Quran that no one should be coerced to believe in Islam, everyone is free to make his/her choice. And one more thing polygamy is not just a Muslim practice, it was practised even by Christians until it was banished by the Church. Abraham had 2 wives; Jacob and Soloman had several wives. Go back and study your history... And while we're at it, Egypt was not colonized by the Arab invaders, the Coptic monks were the ones who opened the city gates because they wanted to get rid of their Christian Roman masters in exchange for the just Muslim Arabs. And many Copts willingly converted to Islam. Kindly stop sounding the islamophobia horn... It's very unbecoming and extremely unconvincing. Kindest regards to all.
Hello All.
The sad thing about the crass misinformation in the comment posted by S.G.W. is that such irresponsible outbursts are often embraced as the truth by people who have no or little knowledge of the subject. The dialogue with non-moslems (I am a moslem) is more than welcome. In fact, it is the only way to cut through the torrent of hate that appears to be building up; intentionally I should add. However, non-Moslems should not just tread carefully while interpreting Islam, they should refrain from doing that. Even within moslems, reliable interpretations are left to scholars who spend years studying and researching to reach such levels. L.A.O. has refuted much of what was volunteered by S.G.W., and done a good job at that. I was tempted to follow this path: given the magnitude of easily refuted misrepresentations, S.G.W.'s comments are a critic's dream! However, I prefer to concentrate on the essence of the matter, namely, the generalisation which has led to a pre-set antagonism.
I will not state that if I were in the shoes of the people whose countries were subjected to terrorist attacks I might have responded the same way. Why? Because over many years my own country has been victim to the most vicious terrorist attacks, i.e., I AM in those shoes already. Some of those attacks were carried out by Palestinian activists. However horrified I was of the results, neither I nor any Egyptian I know instantly labelled the Palestinian "people" and considered them the enemy. Neither I nor any Egyptian I know started a hate campaign against the Palestinians. In fact, the sympathy that the Egyptians feel towards the suffering of those people never wavered, because any irrational action carried out by "some" of them, however grave its consequences, was viewed in context: an act of desperation by a handful of people who are not representative of an entire population. Compare such attitude to the hate campaign against over two billion moslems on account of the actions of a number which does not even constitute a fraction of moslems.
Islam "is" a religion of peace, "is" a religion of tolerence, "is" a religion of compassion with all mankind. History has numerous examples of eras during which non moslems prospered and thrived under the rule of Islamic states. Several objective Jewish scholars, some of whom had been outspoken during the recent row following the Pope's comments on "Mohammad's sword", recognise this truthful fact. To quote one of them (Uri Avnery) "Every honest Jew who knows the history of his people cannot but feel a deep sense of gratitude to Islam, which has protected the Jews for fifty generations, while the Christian world persecuted the Jews and tried many times "by the sword" to get them to abandon their faith."
We want to co-exist. We hate the transformation in the World's attitude towards us - labelling the whole lot of us- brought on by over-reaction and biased ness, and by intentional disregard of the real root of the problem, which L.A.O. touched on when she referred to double standards.
Kind regards.
Europe is sick - illness tolerance
Muslims is sick - illness radical untolerance
If Europe not changed - sharia will come, and there is not be tolerance anymore forewer
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